So I was recently "tagged" per dear friend Angela Mae to list 6 weird things about myself. Here goes...:)
1. When I was a kid, two of my favorite foods were beets, cooked or canned, and fried liver. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm. :)
2. Every once in a while, during the odd show on TV, I will catch myself nostagically thinking that if I had to do it over again, I would probably be a professional figure skater or a backup hip-hop dancer. :)
3. "I see dead people." Ok, not really. :)
3. Sometimes, at random places doing random things, I play the following game with myself: If it was 15 years ago, and I was wondering what I would be doing at (insert current age here), and I was transported into the future into this specific moment and was allowed to look through my eyes at what I am looking at now, what could I tell about myself? My husband thinks that this is very weird indeed. :)
4. I often read while I brush my teeth.
5. Whenever I trim my fingernails, I say a prayer over them and bury them in a small box in the backyard. Ok, fine, just kidding about that one too.
5. Somewhere in my possessions, I have a Jean Nate perfume stick that I got when I was, like, 6 years old that I get out and take a whiff of every now and then just because it reminds me of being little.
And, finally, only one of the following is true. See if you can guess which one.
6. I have a textbook case of recurrent, multi-drug resistant head lice. (May I come visit?)
7. I am an undercover agent for the CIA and have lots of cool pens that might kill you if you accidentally bite them or point them in the wrong directions.
8. I like the smell of gasoline and fingernail polish, I have eyes that are slightly different colors, and I routinely eat chocolate for breakfast.
Off to sort my pen weaponry and comb out the bugaboos...