Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oh. My.

There are some days whilst raising small children that you feel the thin, thin edge between your brain on sanity and your brain off sanity. The baby has been asleep for one hour. The two year old needs to go take a nap. So he pounds noisily down the hall, pausing to trip twice into a “OOh. AAh.” football roll one thin layer of pressed wood door away from the sleeping baby in the crib. That accomplished, he pounds on into his room, with noisy exclamations, then proceeds to make his mommy make multiple entries into the room to stop the drumming, to stop the driving of school buses and trucks, to “put my covers on”, to “get me some water”…of course to change the poopy diaper. Not to mention the room exits that are following by the stampede back into his room, along with the loud “BANG” of the door against the wall. Your brain starts quivering with enraged despair as you picture the baby waking up (how could he NOT?), along with Gabe not sleeping…and all you wanted was a little bit of time to sit down and check email…a quiet moment in a busy day. Then throw in the fact that Gabe does NOT understand about why we need to whisper sometimes, but seems to instead bellow louder at those times….oh my. Along with the fact that when he gets tired, he tries to work himself up, and gets loud and throws himself around noisily and clumsily and loudly trips over everything within a 10 foot radius. I’ve been exercising my “rage-containing” muscles today. He’s not being bad, he’s just being a 2 ½ year old boy child. Breathe. Breathe. You learn those breathing labor pants for a lifetime of laborious child raising. Whoo-whoo-ha-ha…


Anonymous said...

hey carrie,
i love reading your stories about gabe. he cracks me up with the things that he says. what a cutie. and why is it always when the babys head hits the pillow (figuratively of course) that their voice goes up a notch or 2 or 10. i pretty sure that blake thinks that "sssshhhhhh" means "whats that mommy cant hear you. please yell it this time." well hope your having a great week and so glad that bunny made it, and was able to go back to the wild with his little bunny friends. was gabe sad to see him go? take care. ~heidi

Carrie said...

:) That is EXACTLY what "shhh" seems to mean around here, too! LOL. Gabe didn't seem sad to see go, but he kind of keeps forgetting that we let him go, and talks about feeding the bunny or looking at the bunny. Maybe he'll hop over this way one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Even a 2 1/2 year old boy child can learn to pipe it down a bit, or no? (I do only have the girl variety here at my house.)

Carrie said...

Oh, he "learns" - and then he forgets. And then he "learns" - and then he forgets. Sigh. For some reason "piping down" seems to be one of the harder concepts to communicate - the fact that he can still talk, but just quieter, is something he doesn't quite seem to be able to comprehend. I guess we just need to keep working with him.