Yesterday Gabe was wondering about dying. He wondered when he was going to die. I told him it would probably not be for a very long time. He still seemed a little worried about it - for after all, when you are four, "a long time" can be till the end of the day, or a week, or another month. He told me that he doesn't want to die because he doesn't "want to not go to CannonMennoniteChurch" (he says the name of the church like it is one word. It is very cute, I must say. He has talked a few times recently about how much he likes our church.)
Our conversation about dying led to a conversation about heaven, and how if we love Jesus and have a relationship we will go to heaven to be with Jesus. He wasn't too sure that he wanted to go there right now. He asked if his "wife" (a common topic of late) would go to heaven with him. I said that, yes, she would if she loves Jesus. Then he said "OH!! I FORGOT!! I have to think of my wife's name! I can't beh-yeeve (believe) I didn't remember to think of her name!" LOL. I smothered a smile and told him that he probably has a good twenty years or so to think of it. He soon told me that his wife's name was Maddie. I asked him if that is the Maddie who is his imaginary friend or his friend Maddie at church, but he didn't say.
This morning again he told me that he was going to think of his wife's name, "the wife that is going to go up to heaven with me". He gave me some weird nonsense name, and then told me that he was going to think of the names of his children, of which there would be twelve.
LOL. Too hilarious.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
I moved Zion into 3-6 month clothes. (2 months 2 weeks) He is very interactive, with lots of eye contact and smiles and "talking". He sleeps soooooo good. Last night he slept from 10:30 PM-ish to about 8:30 AM-ish. This convinces me that there is no miracle baby sleep solution, but that some kids do and some kids don't. Sleep well and easily, that is.
Gabe moved up into a new Sunday School class for the 4-6 year old kids. He likes it a lot. I knew he would. He is one of those kids that I know will love school just for the social aspect.
Israel is in a tantrum stage. He gets SO FRUSTRATED when we can't understand what he is trying to communicate, and bursts into wails and tears and throwing himself down on the floor and kicking his feet. And they can be pretty prolonged. After several of those in a day, you get really sort of in the mood to ignore him when he is doing it. If he was doing it to be manipulative, I would think that's ok, but I have to remember that I would get really frustrated too if no one ever understood what I was trying to communicate something that I really wanted. But it's still honestly really annoying. :) He has also grown recently and looks more "small boy"-ish. I will really miss his babyness when he is all grown out of it. He has been such a happy little chipmunk baby.
Gabe moved up into a new Sunday School class for the 4-6 year old kids. He likes it a lot. I knew he would. He is one of those kids that I know will love school just for the social aspect.
Israel is in a tantrum stage. He gets SO FRUSTRATED when we can't understand what he is trying to communicate, and bursts into wails and tears and throwing himself down on the floor and kicking his feet. And they can be pretty prolonged. After several of those in a day, you get really sort of in the mood to ignore him when he is doing it. If he was doing it to be manipulative, I would think that's ok, but I have to remember that I would get really frustrated too if no one ever understood what I was trying to communicate something that I really wanted. But it's still honestly really annoying. :) He has also grown recently and looks more "small boy"-ish. I will really miss his babyness when he is all grown out of it. He has been such a happy little chipmunk baby.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Picture catch-up. Zion has been napping in the same room as the computer with our pictures. Sigh. This means I feel like I never get around to doing my pictures. Sigh. Which means it takes forever when I finally get around to doing them. Tim sighing. :) But anywho, here's life of late.

Zion helping Mommy hang up some clothes. :)
Mommy's little helper elves.
Mommy and baby.
A Zion collage.

The CUTEST little cuddly buddy ever.

Bounce bounce bounce. Zion is only semi-tolerant of this handy little jumper at this point.
The fall that has disappeared into winter brown/grey.

We spent Thanksgiving Day here in DE - Tim spoke at a combined church service, and then we went to Larry and Eileen Crossgrove's house and had a very enjoyable time with them and Weston and Stephanie Yutzy and their two boys, Carson and Nevin, and...ummm....Erika and...I forget her husband's name. Sorry, Erika's husband. :) The next day, we left for Virginia, where we had a Beery Thankgiving/Christmas (to which I forgot to bring my camera), and then a Heatwole Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's house.
Zion was sort of cranky throughout the meal, so I just got some pictures of the after dinner activity.
The boy cousins.

They are little baby calves who need a bottle, and Gabriel got to help.
Israel checked out the action, but was too dubious of the Maddie factor (Dad's Laborador dog) to really enjoy his time on the ground.
We also enjoyed some time to do some shopping, fix tires, and replace van belts. I really enjoyed those last two, oh man.
Israel and his baby doll. Like his hair? :) :) :)
Israel loves to ride this horse. Mostly I was just capturing the Dennis the Menace hair at another angle, though. :) Love it.
Mom and Dad had gotten some new stools for the boys to sit on. Gabe was very concerned that he be the one to sit on his stool, which was pushed up to the big table, and no one else. He perched on his stool during the afternoon
and after everyone had arrived and was milling around after the prayer, Mom went to find Gabe and found him staking his claim. :)

Zion was sort of cranky throughout the meal, so I just got some pictures of the after dinner activity.

Another exciting thing about our visit this time was getting to see all of Grandaddy's new calves.

Gabe and Israel pattered happily and busily around, getting all their "work" done.

I also got to see my friend Angela Zehr Heatwole that I had not seen for a long time!
We got to chat over some chow at O'Charley's. It was a very good time. It wad great to see you, Angelina!! :)

As we were packing up to go, the dogs were both a real help.
Maddie offered to drive us home, but we didn't take her up on it. So she just settled her injured feelings by sitting on the gas pedal, revving the engine, and thoroughly startling herself.

Thanks Mom and Dad for everything! We missed you Norm and Carol!
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Miller's
How go the results-of-fruitfully-multiplying? Mine have been sort of busy of late...
Israel has some virus that makes him very cry-at-the-top-of-his-lungs-and-not-tell-you-what-is-the-current-disaster, such as, the lego basket not being over by his truck or something...something...something unknown and mysterious and impossible to figure out about his cup. Lots of wailing, my friends. Mucho the wailing.
Gabe, on the other hand, has the worst diarrhea I think I have ever seen. This is combined with a rampant case of let-me-pick-on-my-younger-brother. Let me nudge the edge of the little table he is eating on with my foot and spill his water. Let me accidentally-on-purpose bowl him over as I speed down the hall. This alternates with a rash of Zion-hoverings, Zion-kissings, and wake-Zion-up's-and-make-mommy-get-very-scary-mad-eyes. :)
Zion is as sweet as a bittle button. A wittle ol' smoochy smoochy bittle button. Seriously. The kid is irresistable. I can't figure out what his deal is the past several days, but I never get annoyed at him, because he is still so SWEET!!!! I can't give him just one kiss, but must instead give many many. He has started studiously batting at my face when I am holding him in the crook of my arm and looks rather satisfied when I capture his hand and hold it up for a kiss.
And in other updates...
Tim is busy as ever, but I must admit that I am madly in love with him.
Chloe in existance.
I am existing in fuzzy warm clothes.
Israel has some virus that makes him very cry-at-the-top-of-his-lungs-and-not-tell-you-what-is-the-current-disaster, such as, the lego basket not being over by his truck or something...something...something unknown and mysterious and impossible to figure out about his cup. Lots of wailing, my friends. Mucho the wailing.
Gabe, on the other hand, has the worst diarrhea I think I have ever seen. This is combined with a rampant case of let-me-pick-on-my-younger-brother. Let me nudge the edge of the little table he is eating on with my foot and spill his water. Let me accidentally-on-purpose bowl him over as I speed down the hall. This alternates with a rash of Zion-hoverings, Zion-kissings, and wake-Zion-up's-and-make-mommy-get-very-scary-mad-eyes. :)
Zion is as sweet as a bittle button. A wittle ol' smoochy smoochy bittle button. Seriously. The kid is irresistable. I can't figure out what his deal is the past several days, but I never get annoyed at him, because he is still so SWEET!!!! I can't give him just one kiss, but must instead give many many. He has started studiously batting at my face when I am holding him in the crook of my arm and looks rather satisfied when I capture his hand and hold it up for a kiss.
And in other updates...
Tim is busy as ever, but I must admit that I am madly in love with him.
Chloe in existance.
I am existing in fuzzy warm clothes.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
I have to admit that this stage of life leaves me sometimes feeling trapped. Not trapped in my life or situation, because I like both of those things very much, but trapped geographically. It is so. much. work. to load the kids up and go anywhere and keep an eye on all of them at once that I usually just don't have the energy or motivation. I sometimes watch Tim come and go with narrowed envious eyes at his arms swinging freely, no legs propped on bouncers, off to work and a feeling of productivity. Some days, when Zion is fussy and demanding, the most frustrating thing is not being able to look at my day and see anything truly finished - the living room is only half picked up, there are still dishes in the sink waiting for someone, anyone, with two hands free; I still haven't worked on scrapbooking, I have more pictures to sort through, I still need to put candles up in the windows and find that sneaky hide-y tree skirt, I wanted to wash our sheets today and didn't get to it, I need to hang some more laundry on the line and put away the clean stuff on the table fuss fuss fuss fuss fuss goes the baby and I resume my bouncing, patting, pacing circle. Bounce bounce bounce eye the things on the floor that I LOOONG to pick up and put away so that I won't feel SO STRESSED OUT ABOUT ALL THE WORK I STILL HAVE TO GET DONE!!! And then the kids want food and then they're fighting and it's bath time and splash time and finding clothes and lotion and settling more squabbles and finding snacks and brushing teeth and so then the day is over and the kids are in bed - and I look around and see not a sight that makes me sigh happily over my productiveness, but instead - more work. Blech. Today Israel was sick on top of Zion's third or fourth day of fussiness, and threw several exhausted, prolonged, temper tantrums. I honestly just sometimes had to laugh, as two children bellowed while Gabe begged to play hide and seek. Sigh. Tim was also gone friends, it was a long day. :)
They aren't all like that. Sometimes I can strut around proudly and shake my tail feathers and demand compliments on the meal/house/other productiveness I have busily whipped up for the day. Just not today.
I did have a good start though. I am currently in an obsessive research phase over whole foods/natural foods/organic foods stuff. I am devouring two cookbooks (I have never in my life done such a thing) on the topic and dreaming of buying another one that I really want that is like, 672 pages, called Nourishing Traditions. I have borrowed Mom's book, The China Study, which talks about diet and disease associations from a study of 170 villages in China, and am dreaming of somehow obtaining a flour grinder so I can grind my own wheat. I had to look at myself the other day and shake my head with amusement as my eyes lit up greedily when I came across a recommendation that I check my local natural foods store for ingredients. Local natural foods store (breathed in a wistful whisper). Dilated pupils, staring into space dreaming of sea vegetables and millet and all things organic. What a weirdo I am. But I can't help these random, irresistible, insatiable hunger-for-knowledge-of-my-current-fill-in-the-blank interest. I snarf up any relevant books I can get my hands on and research madly online till I am finally knowledged out. Then I move on. But this morning Zion and I made a happy little trip to our not-exactly-very-close closest natural foods store and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, rummaging among the arrowroot starch and xantham gum.
The truly ironic thing is that, as I'm scouring these cookbooks for exciting new information about what sea vegetable to use with beans to make them digestible and how to stay away from red meat, I often have a healthy little item tucked into my paw, like, say Mountain Dew, or say, a chocolate covered doughnut. Priorities are priorities, see.
They aren't all like that. Sometimes I can strut around proudly and shake my tail feathers and demand compliments on the meal/house/other productiveness I have busily whipped up for the day. Just not today.
I did have a good start though. I am currently in an obsessive research phase over whole foods/natural foods/organic foods stuff. I am devouring two cookbooks (I have never in my life done such a thing) on the topic and dreaming of buying another one that I really want that is like, 672 pages, called Nourishing Traditions. I have borrowed Mom's book, The China Study, which talks about diet and disease associations from a study of 170 villages in China, and am dreaming of somehow obtaining a flour grinder so I can grind my own wheat. I had to look at myself the other day and shake my head with amusement as my eyes lit up greedily when I came across a recommendation that I check my local natural foods store for ingredients. Local natural foods store (breathed in a wistful whisper). Dilated pupils, staring into space dreaming of sea vegetables and millet and all things organic. What a weirdo I am. But I can't help these random, irresistible, insatiable hunger-for-knowledge-of-my-current-fill-in-the-blank interest. I snarf up any relevant books I can get my hands on and research madly online till I am finally knowledged out. Then I move on. But this morning Zion and I made a happy little trip to our not-exactly-very-close closest natural foods store and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, rummaging among the arrowroot starch and xantham gum.
The truly ironic thing is that, as I'm scouring these cookbooks for exciting new information about what sea vegetable to use with beans to make them digestible and how to stay away from red meat, I often have a healthy little item tucked into my paw, like, say Mountain Dew, or say, a chocolate covered doughnut. Priorities are priorities, see.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Christmas Jobs
Getting the Christmas tree stuff out of the attic whilst mumbling under one's breath about such a chore and the existence of an attic in the first place - Tim's Job
Putting up the Christmas tree and clambering back up into the attic to try to find the rest of the branches and lugging several more boxes down and finding the missing pieces and unraveling and wrapping lights around the tree and then discovering that one string of lights won't work and then trekking to Wal Mart and finishing the next day and then clamboring back up to the attic twice unsuccessfully searching for the tree skirt and starting to hang up ornaments and picking up all those scattered little green thingies and burning nice Christmas-y smelling candles - Carrie's Job
Carefully sorting through ornaments and attaching green hangers to them and asking if we can "wap pweasents" and if it is Christmas yet and exclaiming how pretty Nana Carol and Gwandpa Norm will think the tree is - Gabe's Job
Banging Christmas tree ornaments together and throwing those little green hanger thingies all over - Israel's Job
Being really tired and cranky and continually disrupting Mommy's many attempts to just get the tree done already - Zion's Job
Putting up the Christmas tree and clambering back up into the attic to try to find the rest of the branches and lugging several more boxes down and finding the missing pieces and unraveling and wrapping lights around the tree and then discovering that one string of lights won't work and then trekking to Wal Mart and finishing the next day and then clamboring back up to the attic twice unsuccessfully searching for the tree skirt and starting to hang up ornaments and picking up all those scattered little green thingies and burning nice Christmas-y smelling candles - Carrie's Job
Carefully sorting through ornaments and attaching green hangers to them and asking if we can "wap pweasents" and if it is Christmas yet and exclaiming how pretty Nana Carol and Gwandpa Norm will think the tree is - Gabe's Job
Banging Christmas tree ornaments together and throwing those little green hanger thingies all over - Israel's Job
Being really tired and cranky and continually disrupting Mommy's many attempts to just get the tree done already - Zion's Job
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